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Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies
ISSN : 0126012X     EISSN : 2338557X     DOI : 10.14421
Al-Jamiah invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in the areas related to Islam, Muslim society, and other religions which covers textual and fieldwork investigation with various perspectives of law, philosophy, mysticism, history, art, theology, sociology, anthropology, political science and others.
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Islam and Arat Sabulungan in Mentawai Delfi, Maskota
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.512.475-499


The remoteness of the Mentawai Islands has contributed to an almost autonomous development, unaided by mainland Sumatra. As a result of a well endowed environment and supported by staple local foods such as sago, taro and bananas, as well as an abundance of wildlife including wild boars, a finely tuned self-sufficiency was realised. In this space the management and distribution of food, including animal protein, is an important aspect of the culture of Arat Sabulungan. As the result of the compulsory state sanctioned religions program introduced in 1954, some Mentawaians have converted to Islam or Catholicism as their formal religious identity. However, a remarkable adaptation occured in which the layers of Mentawai identity were not lost in the adaption to the Islamic faith. Islam with its teachings, and other formal religions, are considered as the sasareu (outsiders). The prohibition of consuming boar as part of islamic rules is a sasareu rules that contradict to Mentawaian Arat. [Kepulauan Mentawai yang terisolasi telah berkembang secara mandiri tanpa bantuan dari pulau induknya, Sumatra. Lingkungan yang subur dan mendukung ketersediaan sumber makanan pokok lokal seperti sagu, talas, dan pisang serta berlimpahnya satwa liar, termasuk babi hutan, telah mendorong terciptanya swasembada pangan. Manajemen dan distribusi makanan merupakan aspek penting dalam jalinan budaya dan sistem kepercayaan local, Arat Sabulungan. Sebagai hasil dari kebijakan pemerintah untuk menerapkan agama resmi bagi orang Mentawai pada tahun 1954, orang Mentawai kemudian masuk Islam atau Katolik. Namun demikian, adaptasi yang luar biasa juga terjadi, sehingga lapisan-lapisan identitas Mentawai tidak hilang dalam adaptasinya dengan keyakinan Islam. Islam dengan ajaran-ajarannya, juga agama-agama dunia lainnya, dipandang sebagai ajaran asing. Larangan mengkonsumsi daging babi sebagai bagian dari ajaran Islam, misalnya, dipandang sebagai ajaran asing yang bertentangan dengan Arat Mentawai.]
Editorial: Local Islam and Current Issues
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.512.ix-x


Themes in this edition vary ranging from feminism, literature, films, politics, charitable organization, Sufism, to the relation of Islam and Soviet Union, and the relation of a Jewish group and Islam. To begin with, the paper by Laila Khalid Alfirdaus presents the analysis of the involvement of kyais (religious teachers) in local political affairs in Kebumen Central Java during the reform period. Due to their charisma in Indonesian society, kyais had advantage in entering politics in the period. However, Alfirdaus sees that their involvement in politics does not always lead to the birth of better impact on public policy. In the case of Kebumen, the leadership of a kyai in the governmental body was marked by lessening development in terms of public infrastructure and social services.
On the Absence of ‘Fragrant Film’: Changing Images of the Author in Indonesia Downes, Meghan
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.512.365-387


A more varied and plural image of ‘the author’ has emerged during the past decade, brought about by subsequent literary trends including Islamic women’s writing and ‘teen-lit’ written by and for teenagers. ‘sastra wangi’ (fragrant literature) was a popular media label used to describe the controversial work of young female authors writing during the early ‘reformasi’ period. One decade on, we are seeing film adaptations of such work, none of which have provoked a comparable level of furore. The absence of any kind of ‘fragrant film’ discourse denigrating the femininity of the narratives reveals a shift in public discourse around authorship in contemporary Indonesia. This article uses close textual readings, media discourse analysis and ethnographic audience research to examine the relationship between such trends, and the ways in which young Indonesians engage with popular narratives. [Munculnya penulis-penulis muda pada beberapa dekade terakhir di Indonesia dengan beragam citra masing-masing telah mendorong lahirnya tren baru dalam dunia sastra, termasuk tulisan-tulisan muslimah dan sastra remaja yang ditulis oleh dan untuk remaja. Tren tersebut salah satunya memunculkan apa yang kemudian populer dengan istilah ‘sastra wangi’, istilah yang digunakan untuk menyebut karya-karya sastra yang memicu kontroversi dan ditulis oleh penulis perempuan pada masa awal era reformasi. Pada satu dekade berikutnya, beberapa karya sastra tersebut diadaptasi dalam bentuk film. Namun demikian, film yang diproduksi tidak memicu kontrovesi, tidak seperti halnya ketika karya sastra itu pertama kali ditulis. Absennya perdebatan dan kecaman terhadap ‘film wangi’ mengindikasikan pergeseran dalam perdebatan publik mengenai ‘kepengarangan’ di Indonesia kontemporer. Artikel ini didasarkan pada pembacaan tekstual, analisis wacana media, dan riset audien secara etnografis untuk mengungkap hubungan antara tren-tren sastra di atas dan bagaimana sikap anak muda Indonesia terhadap sastra-sastra populer tersebut.]
Gendering the Islamic Judiciary: Female Judges in the Religious Courts of Indonesia Nurlaelawati, Euis; Salim, Arskal
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.512.247-278


Compared to other Muslim countries, Indonesia has been the forefront, if not the frontrunner, in welcoming women to occupy a position as judges at the Islamic court. Despite few Indonesian women were already sitting at Islamic courtrooms and hearing cases on family law issues as early as in 1960s, it was only in 1989 that Indonesia fully accommodated female judges at the religious courts. From this onwards, female judges were recruited more than ever and began accessing a number of rights and positions like their male counterparts. This paper discusses female judge and women litigants at Islamic courts of Indonesia. This paper not only discusses the way in which women were recruited to be judges at the Indonesian Islamic courts, but also explores some factors leading Indonesian women to engage in the judicial practice. In addition, this paper looks at the way in which female judges exercise their authority to protect rights of disadvantaged women litigants. This paper argues that despite female judges have the same skills in interpreting law as their male colleagues do and that they have to some extent better gender sensitivity, they unfortunately have not maximised utilising these legal skills for the benefits of women litigants.[Dibandingkan dengan negara-negara Islam lainnya, Indonesia telah menjadi garda depan –jika tidak disebut pelopor– dalam mengangkat perempuan sebagai hakim di Pengadilan Agama. Meski pada decade 1960-an sejumlah perempuan sudah menduduki jabatan hakim dan telah menyidangkan kasus-kasus keluarga di Pengadilan Agama, hanya pada tahun 1989 pengangkatan perempuan pada Pengadilan Agama ditegaskan secara formal dan legaal oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Sejak saat itu, jumlah hakim perempuan di pengadilan agama meningkat dan mereka memiliki kesemepatan untuk memperoleh hak dan posisi penting di Pengadilan Agama, sejajar dengan hakim laki-laki. Artikel ini mendiskusikan keterlibatan perempuan, baik sebagai hakim maupun pihak yang berperkara, di Pengadilan Agama. Tidak hanya menjelaskan bagaimana perempuan direkrut sebagai hakim di Pengadilan Agama, artikel ini juga mengulas faktor-faktor penting yang mendorong keterlibatan perempuan dalam praktek peradilan. Selain itu, juga dijelaskan peran hakim perempuan dalam melindungi hak para perempuan yang berperkara di pengadilan. Penulis berkesimpulan bahwa meski para hakim perempuan memiliki kompetensi yang sama dalam memutus perkara seperti para hakim laki-laki dan dalam batas tertentu memiliki sensitifitas gender yang lebih kuat ketimbang laki-laki, peran mereka masih terlihat belum maksimal, terutama dalam memberikan perlindungan terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak perempuan.]
Understanding the Multidimensional Islamic Faith Through ‘Abd Al-Ghanī Al-Nābulusī’s Mystical Philosophy Yamamoto, Naoki
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.512.389-407


This paper tries to present a new perspective on Islamic faith and Muslim identity to Muslim minorities who are challenged in practicing or following Islamic law in non-Islamic countries or non-Muslims in the contemporary world. It will uncover the multidimensional perspective of the concept of faith based on sin (dhanb) and repentance (tawbah) through the mystical philosophy of a Syrian scholar, Abd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī (d. 1143/1741) of the 18th century Ottoman Damascus who contributed to the field of Sufism particularly based on Ibn ‘Arabī’s thought of waḥdat al-wujūd (oneness of being) and insān kāmil (the perfect man). Nābulusī believes that anyone who lived during the inexistence of prophet’s revelation, inhabited an isolated place cut off from information about Islam, or lived in dār al-ḥarb and did not make a hijra to dār al-islām could not be regarded as sinful in their deeds. However, faith in Allah is essential and infidelity is not forgiven regardless whether or not they live in dār al-islām or dār al-ḥarb. Further, Nābulusī insists that true faith can be achieved by understanding the sin of existence; the ignorance of the difference of existence between Allah and men. [Artikel ini menjelaskan identitas keberagamaan umat Islam minoritas yang dituntut untuk menerapkan syariat, namun harus hidup di negara non-muslim, dengan mendiskusikan perspektif multidimensional terhadap konsep dosa dan tobat khususnya konsep waḥdat al-wujūd dan insān kāmil yang dikembangkan oleh Abd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī (1143/1741), seorang sufi pemikir Syria yang hidup di masa kesultanan Usmani di Damaskus. Nābulusī berkeyakinan bahwa siapa saja yang hidup sebelum turunnya wahyu di masa Nabi, hidup di daerah terpencil yang tidak mengenal Islam, atau hidup di dār al-ḥarb dan tidak hijrah ke dār al-islām, tidaklah dibebani dosa atas perbuatannya. Namun demikian, iman kepada Allah amatlah penting dan kekufuran tidaklah dimaafkan, baik seseorang tersebut hidup di dār al-islām ataupun dār al-ḥarb. Nābulusī beranggapan bahwa iman yang hakiki bisa dicapai dengan memahami dosa eksistensial, yaitu mempersamakan eksistensi Allah dan manusia.]
Islam and Local Politics: In the Quest of Kyai, Politics, and Development in Kebumen, 2008-2010 Alfirdaus, Laila Kholid
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.512.279-309


The involvement of kyai (religious teacher) in political affairs has become prominent after the Indonesia reformation. With his charismatic images and long-maintained religious authority, kyai has amount of capital to easily enroll his self into politics without significant barriers. This becomes more evidence in the Indonesian political sphere after the reformation as the number of kyais serving as leaders in bureaucracy is increasing. However, their inclusion in politics does not always lead to the birth of greater impact on public policy. During the leadership of kyai in the governmental body, Kebumen -as a case study discussed in this article- has experienced late development, indicated by lessening development in terms of public infrastructure and social services. [Keterlibatan kyai dalam politik muncul secara masif sejak bergulirnya reformasi. Dengan kharisma dan otoritas keagamaan, kyai memiliki modal penting untuk terjun dalam politik tanpa kendala berarti. Inilah yang menjadi sangat jelas terkait peran kyai dalam politik, utamanya dengan semakin banyaknya jumlah kyai yang menjabat sebagai pimpinan birokrasi. Sayangnya, keterlibatan mereka kerap tidak menyebabkan lahirnya kebijakan publik yang relevan. Pada masa pemerintahan kyai sebagai bupatinya, Kebumen -yang menjadi lokus tulisan ini- mengalami ketertinggalan dalam pembangunan. Ini setidaknya ditandai dengan semakin melemahnya infrastuktur publik dan pelayanan sosial.]
The Condition of Jewish Minority in Medieval Egypt: A Study of Jewish Ṣūfī’s Tractate al-Maqālat al-Ḥawḍiyya Epafras, Leonard Chrysostomos
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.512.409-442


During the reigns of Ayyūbids and Mamluks, a group of Jews developed a distinct Jewish spiritual system. The aim of this endeavor was to initiate spiritual renewal. The notable feature of the movement is the incorporation of substantial Ṣūfī elements into its spiritual system. By this unique feature the group might be tentatively called “Jewish Sufism.” This article explores the posture of this group and its understanding of Jewish diaspora and exile, particularly with regards Jewish minority status under Muslim rulers. As a study case, it focuses on the analysis of a Jewish Ṣūfī’s tractate entitled al-Maqālat al-Ḥawḍiyya (The Treatise of the Pool) written by ‘Abd Allāh ibn Ibrāhīm ibn Maymūn (1228-1263/65), the grandson of the prominent medieval Jewish philosopher and community leader (ra’īs al-yahūd), Mūsā ibn Maymūn (Moses Maimonides, 1135-1204). The article further argues that the tractate reflected Jewish struggle as minority under Islamic rulers and the contemporary socio-political upheaval. Besides the spiritual renewal, the discipline it endorsed was a way to cope with this minority status as well. Furthermore, the absorption of Sufism into Jewish spirituality may indicate a more dynamic interaction between Jews and Muslims in this period. [Pada masa pemerintahan dinasti Ayubi dan Mamluk di Mesir, sekelompok anggota komunitas Yahudi mengembangkan wacana spiritualitas yang unik demi pembaharuan hidup rohani mereka. Keunikan kelompok ini adalah karena dalam wacananya menyerap unsur-unsur Sufisme Islam. Gejala ini karena itu disebut Sufisme Yahudi. Artikel ini mengeksplorasi keberadaan kelompok tersebut dan pemahaman mereka akan diaspora Yahudi, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan kondisi minoritas mereka. Sebagai studi kasusnya adalah traktat spiritual bertajuk al-Maqālat al-Ḥawḍiyya (Traktat tentang Kolam) yang ditulis oleh ‘Abd Allāh ibn Ibrāhīm ibn Maymūn (1128-1263/65), cucu dari filsuf dan pemimpin Yahudi Abad Pertengahan (ra’īs al-yahūd), Mūsā ibn Maymūn (Moses Maimonides, 1135-1204). Artikel ini mengungkapkan bahwa karya tersebut mencerminkan pergumulan kaum Yahudi sebagai minoritas dan ketegangan sosio-politis yang mereka alami. Disiplin rohani yang disarankannya juga dimaksudkan untuk mengatasi status minoritas tersebut. Lebih dari itu, penyerapan unsur Sufi ke dalam spiritualitas Yahudi ini mendorong ke arah hubungan Yahudi dan Muslim yang lebih dinamis pada masa itu.]
The Adaptation and Cooperation of Minority Muslims in Russian History Halim, Fachrizal A.
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.512.311-335


The present essay examines the common approach in reading the relationship between Muslims and Russian society as if they were bound by perpetual conflict. Following this angle, historians argue that the Russians underwent long term conflict with Muslims and claim that the Russians have suffered more than any other people in facing the hostile world of Islam. Some also argue that Muslims were completely subdued by the Russians due to Islam’s incompatibility with the secular and atheist Soviet regime. A careful survey of literature on the history of Muslims in Russia, however, does not always lead to the conclusion that the two sides were in continuous conflict. In fact, aside from conflict and subjugation, both Russians and the Muslims enjoyed a considerable level of peace and shared a similar attitude of flexibility in mutual cooperation. Given the extent of flexibility of Muslims in their encounter with the Russians throughout the Czar and the Soviet regimes, I argue that contemporary scholars have scaled down the dynamic of both Russian and Muslims intellectual articulations in relation to modern politics as well as to the internal relationship between the two sides, and that the relationship between them can be written as other than perpetual conflict. [Artikel ini mengulas hubungan Islam dan Rusia yang kerap dijelaskan dalam konteks relasi saling bertentangan. Dari cara pandang demikian, ahli sejarah kerap berpendapat bahwa konflik antara keduanya sudah terjadi lama dan orang Rusia adalah korban paling parah yang diakibatkan kebrutalan Islam. Semantara itu, ahli sejarah lainnya berpendapat bahwa orang Islam sepenuhnya terjajah oleh kekuasaan Rusia karena Islam tidak cocok dengan sistem sekuler dan ateis Soviet. Jika dibaca literatur mengenai sejarah Islam di Rusia, maka relasi konfliktual antara keduanya tidak sepenuhnya benar. Faktanya, terlepas dari konflik dan penaklukan, baik orang Rusia dan umat Islam dapat hidup secara damai dan fleksibel dalam kehidupan sosial mereka. Dengan menjelaskan fleksibelitas relasi antara Muslim dan Rusia pada masa kerajaan Rusia dan rejim Soviet, penulis berargumen bahwa kebanyakan ilmuwan kontemporer menyederhanakan relasi Islam dan Rusia dalam konteks politik modern serta relasi internal antara keduanya, karenanya relasi Islam dan Rusia perlu dijelaskan secara seimbang bahwa relasi konflik antara Islam dan Rusia tidak sepenuhnya benar.]
Finding Islam in Cinema: Islamic Films and the Identity of Indonesian Muslim Youths Hariyadi, H.
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.512.443-473


This paper discusses Islamic films in Indonesia that have been a phenomenon since a decade. It is reported that Islamic films have been consciously produced to propagate Islamic lessons to the Muslim youths. The paper challenges the notion that young adults are passive recipients as proposed by some popular culture theorists. They did not merely become object of ideologies injected by filmmakers, and their responses were not an unquestioning acceptance. The research found that some Muslim youths have been ambiguous toward the emergence of Islamic films. Watching movie for Indonesian youths is an important way to construct identity, and they feel that there is a sense of religious ritual involved in film viewing, especially with Islamic messages. I argue that Islamic films help Indonesian young people to develop their own distinctive identity, being new sources of authority apart from parents, formal education, and friends. [Tulisan ini membahas film islami di Indonesia yang menjadi fenomena sejak satu dekade terakhir. Film-film islami sengaja dibuat untuk menyebarkan ajaran Islam dengan sasaran kalangan muda. Makalah ini menolak gagasan bahwa remaja adalah penerima pasif seperti yang diajukan oleh teori budaya popular. Mereka tidak hanya menjadi objek desakan ideologi pembuat film dan mereka juga tidak bisa menerimanya secara bulat. Sebagian pemuda muslim merasa ambigu menghadapi munculnya film-film Islam. Di sisi lain, menonton film menjadi media untuk membangun identitas diri dan dapat dirasakan sebagai bagian dari ritual agama, khususnya ketika menonton film yang mengandung pesan-pesan Islam. Dengan demikian, film Islam membantu pemuda Indonesia untuk mengembangkan identitas mereka sendiri dan menjadi sumber otoritas baru di luar orang tua, pendidikan formal, dan lingkungan pergaulan.]
The Politics of Benevolence: Political Patronage of Party-Based Charitable Organizations in Contemporary Indonesian Islam Latief, Hilman
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.512.337-363


The rise of party-based Islamic charities has had a profound impact on the nature of philanthropic activities in contemporary Indonesia, and stimulated a new debate over the issue of the politics of benevolent acts. Over the past few years, in line with the increase of the influence of the Islamic factor in Indonesian politics, there have been a number of political parties which actively engaged with social welfare activities through the newly-established Islamic charitable organizations. The close ties between charitable organizations and political parties may lead to the new patterns of Muslim social and political activism, and to the new forms of political clientelism. This article analyzes the vibrant effort of political parties in sponsoring the inception and operation of Islamic charitable organizations in the post New Order era, and investigates how political clientelism has been established through charity practices. This paper compares the roles of charitable organizations set up by the nationalist and Islamist parties in formulating strategies to promote their political interest. Based on three political parties studied in this article, which are the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Golkar Party, and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), this paper argues that the practice of charity has become a popular way used by politicians to patronize their constituents, but at the same time, this practice has weakened the Muslim perspective of development and social change. [Munculnya lembaga-lembaga amal yang dikelola oleh partai politik berpengaruh luas terhadap aktifitas filantropi di Indonesia dan memicu perdebatan seputar politik-kedermawanan. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, selaras dengan semakin meningkatnya pengaruh Islam dalam lanskap politik Indonesia, partai-partai politik juga berlomba-lomba untuk terlibat aktif dalam aktifitas filantropi dengan mendirikan lembaga amal. Ikatan kuat antara partai politik dan lembaga amal tersebut tentu berpotensi melahirkan pola aktivisme sosial-politik Islam dan bentuk baru clientisme-politik. Artikel ini akan mengulas upaya keras partai politik dalam mendirikan dan mengendalikan lembaga-lembaga amal pasca Orde Baru dan menjelaskan bagaimana clientisme dapat terbentuk melalui aktifitas amal. Artikel ini akan membandingkan peran lembaga-lembaga amal yang didirikan oleh partai politik nasionalis dan Islam dalam menyusun strategi untuk menyukseskan agenda politik mereka. Dengan menganalisis tiga partai politik, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera/PKS, Partai Demokrasi Indonesia-Perjuangan/PDI-P, dan Golongan Karya/Golkar, penulis berargumen bahwa aktifitas amal semakin populer di kalangan politisi sebagai cara menarik simpati konstituen, tetapi pada saat yang sama, praktik tersebut semakin memperlemah cara pandang umat Islam mengenai pembangunan dan perubahan sosial.]

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